Recent Replies

  • I’m giving Open Core Legacy Patcher a try!

  • @V_ it did! I'm hopeful that this will be another good fit

  • @JohnBrady Fair point. I'm interested in explicitly Christian universalism, and specifically the duration of hell, whether it's eternal or not. Barth and DBH have pretty much convinced me, but I'm interested in cataloging the biblical content that (1) seems to straightforwardly support the notion that all will eventually be saved/redeemed, and (2) seems to straightforwardly support the eternality of hell/judgment.

  • @patrickrhone Joshua Tree. Although I might be biased a bit because my name is Joshua. Lol

  • @toddgrotenhuis Ugh, I hate that the first thing that popped into my head was "a gun"! Maybe some disinfectants and antibiotics. Or a solar-powered light and sound system.