Who else is on @github? Come find me at github.com/jsteelepf…

Any books you would add to the “keep on my desk” stack? 📚 #software #softwaredeveloper #softwareengineer

Currently reading: The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris 📚

My coding bootcamp focused on Java and object-oriented programming. What’s an excellent introduction to functional programming for a relatively new developer looking to branch out beyond OOP?

I’m preparing a brief talk on the principles of software testing. What’s the most helpful testing principle, advice, etc. that you’d share with other devs?

Friends don’t let friends join or normalize right-wing extremist groups.

Trying to become a better software engineer!

New Java developer here. What are some “must-own” Java books? Trying to decide if buying Effective Java and/or Java: The Complete Reference is worth it. I’ve got digital access via @OReillyMedia, but I prefer reading (& marking) physical books when possible. #Java #Software

Currently reading: The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller 📚 Has anyone else read this?

On the lookout for flash cards, preferably physical ones, that cover Design Patterns in software engineering. Has anyone seen something like this out there?

Seems like, at least in fiction, most villains are motivated by the fear of death.

Anyone on here have experience working with Okta’s Java SDK? I’m trying to figure out how to properly create test instances of certain classes (User, Group), given that every …Builder class needs a Client to do anything.

Still getting over COVID. Just found out that the kids' daycare is closed for the week due to a teacher testing positive

As I’ve done countless times before, I’m helping lead musical worship this Sunday. Not really sure how to sing about God’s goodness after a week like this. But I can sing this song (might cry, though): “Rise Up” by Bifrost Arts bifrostartsmusic.bandcamp.com/track/ris…

Can these bones live?

I’ve spent my entire life within the broadly “evangelical” stream of the church in the USA. Witnessing the political radicalization and abandonment of theological discernment that this piece describes has been utterly heartbreaking, infuriating, and depressing. If I didn’t still believe in the resurrection, life, and lordship of Jesus, I would lose all hope here. Can these bones live? God only knows. www.theatlantic.com/magazine/…

Any advice for dealing with denominational depression and/or ecclesiastical homelessness?

Mentor me! If you’ve got a minute to spare, would you please answer at least one of these 11 questions for me? I’d especially love to hear from people in the micro.blog community. Thanks!

Good news: God hates nothing He has made.

Goal: Get back to under 200lbs. Get back in shape, so that I have more energy for family, friends, work, etc. Current weight: 235lbs. Let’s go!

What if the real demonic possession, collapse of civilization, and loss of our collective sanity…were the “Like” and “Share” buttons we clicked along the way?