If you’ve left Christian fundamentalism and/or evangelicalism, (how) has your reading of Paul’s instructions for the “strong” and the “weak” in Romans 14 changed?

“People don’t succumb to screens because they’re lazy, but instead because billions of dollars have been invested to make this outcome inevitable.” (Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism)

“The man who doesn’t read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” - Mark Twain

I’m looking for the best analogy for voting for a politician who won’t concede defeat. “It’s like giving your keys to someone who promises to steal your car.” Any better analogies?

Call me crazy, but I’ll never vote for someone who refuses to concede defeat.

Just gave $50 to the Harris campaign 🇺🇸

Wait, the GOP candidate is HOW old?! Yikes!

Yawn. I just took a nice long Sunday afternoon nap. Did I miss anything?

Since Romans 13 is in the air and the Daily Office Lectionary today, here’s an old essay I wrote on how we should read it! joshuapsteele.com/romans-13…

What’s something you’re excited about?

I’m trying to figure out why I find application performance monitoring on Splunk/SignalFx so confusing. I’m trying to improve some of our custom dashboards today related to service-level timings. Any best practices you’d recommend? #software #metrics #observability #monitoring #statistics

What’s the best treatment of the Aqedah (Genesis 22, Abraham asked to sacrifice Isaac) that you’ve ever read?

You can’t follow Jesus of Nazareth and hate immigrants.

What’s the best/worst Trump sellout story out there?

Only JD I’m interested in is from Scrubs. Only Vance I’m interested in is from The Office.

Has anyone else out there migrated their personal website/blog from WordPress to Hugo? How did it go? Any advice you’d offer to someone considering this? #blogging #wordpress #hugo

It’s fun wondering which branch of Government will be the first to run the USA into the ground! The Judiciary is sure fighting hard to win this race, with Congress close behind. But, if Trump wins, the Executive branch could definitely swoop-in and “win” the whole thing! What a dumpster fire.

Welp, the COVID finally got to me just in time for me to stay home and watch our 3 little kids today! 🫠

What do I need to do to get my Drafts “Post to Wordpress” action to result in a correctly formatted blog post on Wordpress? On last attempt, my “-“s didn’t get translated into bulleted lists. #drafts #wordpress #markdown

Keep calm and pray the Litany. bcponline.org/GreatLita…