Trying to gather all of my thoughts on what is WRONG with Christian Nationalism. Along biblical-theological lines, I’m excited to read the forthcoming “Jesus and the Powers” by Wright & Bird. And I’m reminded of “The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb” by Goggin & Strobel. Any other book recs?
Christian Nationalism is on the rise in the USA. I sincerely hope it fails, for the good of the country and the good of the church. Give “Thickening Webs on the Christian Right” by Du Mez a read.
Trump is a threat to democracy. Just read through his “Agenda 47” nonsense. We don’t need a wannabe dictator/demagogue back in power.
My favorite cooking technique is “put some cheese on it” followed by “ok, now let that cheese burn a bit” 🧀🔥🥘
Defund Daylight Saving Time!!!
Lots of good ideas in “How to be more agentic” by Cate Hall…
Looking for some honest, anonymous feedback! Leave me some here. Thanks!…
I have to install a decent amount of unit of baseboard soon and I’m dreading it
So, are the Harkonnens…Irish? #Dune #Dune2 #ThoseAccentsThough
It fascinates me that the popular meaning of “performative” (done for show, but ultimately not changing anything) means almost the opposite of what it means vis-a-vis speech act theory (a performative utterance performs/effects the act it specifies; speech that DOES something).
Just realized this morning that, for the past few days, we’ve been drinking straight decaf coffee (instead of the 50% caff I moved to for anxiety reasons) ☕️
Any lectionary nerds out there know when/why the RCL Epistle for Lent 3, Year B, is 1 Corinthians 1, while the Anglican/Episcopal Lectionary (BCP 1979, for example) goes with Romans 7?
Perhaps it’s just the ex-fundie, ex-vangelical in me, but if a Christian church’s website doesn’t even mention “God” or “Jesus,” that’s a big ol’ red flag for me.
I accidentally cut my house’s main internet cable. AMA!
I thought Irulan and Feyd-Rautha were perfectly cast, but for some reasons on I couldn’t take Walken seriously as the Emperor in Dune pt. 2. Anyone else feel the same?
My company gives us quarterly “wellness days” off. So, naturally, I’m buying some tools and going to see Dune 2 by myself 😁
Got my DUNE tickets!
As a software dev, I’m often glad I don’t have to read dense theology every day. But then I get to a sentence like this in a dev book and my brain melts a little: “To detect inconsistencies and minimize the amount of data exchanged, replicas can exchange Merkle tree hashes with a gossip protocol.”
“Churches should focus on preaching and teaching the Word of God, administering the Sacraments (Holy Communion and Baptism), and serving the welfare of their local communities.”…
I’d forgotten the midwestern majesty of Menards. Could probably spend a whole day inside of one.