In God’s economy, the most important people are not the billionaire, the business owner, or even the blue-collar worker. Instead, the most important people are the widow, the orphan, and the immigrant. Which is to say, the poor and powerless.…

“O Come to the Altar,” but it’s about coming forward to an actual altar to receive Holy Communion. 🫓🍷🚶🚶‍♀️

Let’s say I wanted to move all the (Hugo) posts and pages on from where they now reside on GitHub over to a Micro.Blog site. Is there a straightforward way to do that?

How should I structure my online presence?

How should I structure and manage my online presence? I’m looking for recommendations.

I’d like to prioritize “owning” my stuff and being able to easily post to and tinker with my website(s).

Recently, I migrated my main site,, from WordPress to Hugo. It’s now hosted via GitHub Pages over at I really like that I can deploy edits to my website now simply by pushing changes to the remote repository.

For short-form stuff, I’ve got a Micro.Blog site at I love that I can cross-post from there to Threads, Bluesky, and Mastodon, where I have accounts.

That just leaves my Facebook, Instagram, and X accounts floating outside of my Hugo/GitHub/MicroBlog hub.

I feel like I don’t use Micro.Blog to its full potential. And, since MB uses Hugo under the hood, I’m wondering if there’s a way to consolidate all of my stuff in Micro.Blog, instead of having my main site live on GitHub.

Consolidating with MB seems like an easy decision, and I’m leaning in that direction! But the main thing holding me back is the apparent necessity of using MB’s web interface to make any kind of under-the-hood modifications to MB sites. If I could interact with my MB sites like I’m able to with my GitHub/Hugo site, I’d be 1000% on board.

So, Micro.Blog experts: Is there a way to have my cake and eat it too? Am I misunderstanding the web UI limitations of modifying MB sites? If you were in my situation, how would you have things set up? What’s tools/interfaces would you use to post to and edit your MB sites?

(Also, is there a straightforward way to import my main site content from GitHub into MB?)

Thanks for any help and/or recommendations you’re able to offer!

I feel dumb asking this (I’m a software engineer, but, hey, I spend 99% of my time on backend development, not web stuff!), but: Is there a way to have things set up on Micro.Blog so that I can edit my website locally (say, in VS Code) and push changes to a remote repository?

OK, I’ve almost got my personal website switched from WordPress to Hugo and ready to go at I think I’ll stick with GitHub Pages for now, but I’m wondering if I should do anything more to tie it to my

“There is unequivocal evidence that Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate. Human activity is the principal cause.”…

Any SVG/Hugo/PaperMod experts out there have an SVG heart icon for that would work well alongside the social icons included with PaperMod? I’ve got a full-size, full-color SVG, but haven’t figured out how to alter it to make it look right on my homepage. #hugo #paperMod #svg #webDesign

Happy October! The best month of the year, when all the best people were born!

Today should have been my cousin Eric’s 32nd birthday.…

Another Hugo/PaperMod question : Why won’t standard Markdown image links (starting with an “!”) render correctly?

I’m trying out Hugo at So far, I like the PaperMod theme, but is there an easy way to to override the built-in homepage options so that my own “/content/pages/” gets loaded as the home page? #hugo

I’ve really enjoyed I might move my main site from WordPress to Hugo and I’m wondering if I should just use MB instead, since it’s Hugo under the hood? Is it possible to maintain a MB site locally without having to use the web UI? Like a Dev Mode? @manton @help

Seriously, though. I love my kids, but parenting sucks a lot of the time, and I feel like I’m going crazy. I want out of this “3 under 6” phase.

“You’re gonna miss this,” he sings to himself as he hand washes the banana and chicken vomit out of the 1yo’s sleep sack. 🫠

An old thought from my notes: “Some treat the Anglican formularies like the Puritans treated the Bible—applying the regulative principle where it doesn’t belong.”

On the off-chance there’s a fabulously wealthy person out there looking to get a random person a birthday present…😉🎁 My birthday is coming up and here’s my wishlist:

I’m allergic to most CCM music these days, but I’m putting together a playlist of some of my favorite songs we’ve sung at various churches. What would be on such a playlist for you?…

What radicalized me? Ecclesiastes, the Minor Prophets, and the Sermon on the Mount. What radicalized you?

Learned a new word today. Without looking it up, do you know what “limerence” means? I didn’t.