What’s this hard layer underneath the drywall in my bathroom? Cement board?

What’s this hard layer underneath the drywall in my bathroom? Cement board?

Do you know and care about someone with ADHD? What have you found most helpful?

I’d like to assemble a comprehensive list of passages in the Bible (1) which seem to clearly teach that all humans and/or all creation will be saved and (2) which seem to clearly teach that the punishment/judgment of Hell will be eternal, without end.

How and why is the IPA craze still a thing? 🍺

I’ve got a couple tech-related presentations under my belt now, but today I get to give a talk about my career journey: “Pivot! From Pastor to Programmer”. Should be interesting!

I go back and forth on whether “But surely it’s more complicated than that” is the (1) most necessary or (2) most banal move to make in (response to) an argument. You can say it to anything! The map is not the territory. To a certain extent, all language is an oversimplification of reality.

Regarding my previous post on many Protestants treating baptism like a “work,” I mean work in a theologically-loaded “works righteousness” way. I’m thinking of Luther’s objections to the Anabaptists’ views of faith and baptism. See pics for a relevant excerpt from Althaus’s Theology of Luther book.

A couple Bible questions. (1) What’s your go-to “study” Bible? (2) If I’ve got the New Oxford Annotated Bible 4th edition (2010), is it worth picking up the 5th edition (2018)? Any substantive changes/updates?

I think many Protestant churches, without necessarily intending to, treat Baptism as a human work, something one does to demonstrate the legitimacy of their faith. Instead, Baptism is “the sacrament by which God adopts us as his children and makes us members of Christ’s Body, the Church” (1979 BCP).

The Church needs men and women working together in all levels of leadership and service. Restricting leadership roles based on sex/gender is a mistake.

How you celebrating?? 🎉 🥂🍾

No one is above the law 🇺🇸

I think I want to give Hugo a try for building a basic blog site. Would love to support at least basic comments on posts. If you use Hugo and support comments, what’s your setup? #hugo #webdev #blogging

What’s your current website/blog setup? Do you like it? Just renewed my SiteGround WordPress hosting for a year for my main joshuapsteele site. Would like to migrate it off WordPress next year, I think, and go with something simpler, faster, etc.

Happy Trinity Sunday! Here’s an old essay I wrote on the doctrine of the Trinity: joshuapsteele.com/holy-trin… (Ahem, excuse the academic seminary-speak. I’d write this in a different register now. lol)

Decided to “sleep in” until 07:00 after a week of early morning workouts. Still tired, still sore, and I weigh a bit more (248) than a week ago. 🫠

I’d like to read more poetry. What are some good anthologies/collections worth having on my shelf? #poetry #poems #reading #books

Been getting up between 4:30-5am this week to do some kind of exercise every morning. So far, I’m…tired!

Didn’t get the Connections today. Day ruined 🥲