Thinking of starting “Anglicans Anonymous” for people like me who got the heck out of the ACNA. Not to be confused with “Anonymous Anglicans,” AKA the asshats in the comments.
Brb, gonna go become a prepper and dig a bunker for when my country collapses… 🇺🇸
The battery life on my iPhone XR is starting to suck more and more. Thinking about next options. Do I go Android? Stay with iPhone? Ditch the smartphone? What do you think I should do?
Anyone else’s wife walk freakishly fast? Or is it just my wife?
Theologoumenon: Hell is real, but not eternal.
My next home project is installing a water-powered backup sump pump. But this now has me wondering about getting a HUMAN-powered water pump to use in a worst-case sump pump failure event. Anyone out there have/heard of something like that?
What is parenting, if not overstimulation persevering?
I still think that Lent 1, Year A is the best combination of passages in the Revised Common Lectionary. Was brought to tears the first time I heard these lessons together in a service: Gen 2.15-17, 3.1-7; Ps 32; Rom 5.12-19; Mt 4.1-11.
Look, you really don’t need a super-intelligent AI for an AI apocalypse. You just need to get the humans to chase profits until they “tragedy of the commons” themselves out of existence.
Theology question: If you’ve moved away from penal substitutionary atonement as your (at least main) understanding of the atonement, (how) has your understanding of “God made him to be sin who knew no sin” in 2 Cor. 5:21 changed?
If you’re a Christian and you’re more upset about ordaining women than you are about sexual abuse in the church, something is seriously wrong.
When the NYT Connections editor has a bad day, we all have a bad day. Simple as.
One of the best books I’ve ever read is “Lament for a Son” by Nicholas Wolterstorff. It was written while grieving for the loss of his son, Eric, who died in 1983 at age 25 in a mountain climbing accident. If you’ve ever lost someone you love, I highly recommend this book.
Testing out cross-posting to see if this makes it from my to Threads!
Wow, the NYT Connections game today is not messing around. I didn’t get a single category. 🫠🫠🫠
(How) have you seen the Bible helpfully or unhelpfully influence the way that parents raise their children?
Here’s a “Collect” prayer I wrote for Juneteenth in 2020. Please feel free to use and share!…
If you read The Bible and one of your main takeaways is “This book is about timeless gender roles,” then I don’t think you read the book very well.
We need a Nashville Hot Chicken restaurant in Toledo, OH
What does “SBC” stand for? Wrong answers only.