Can someone help me diagnose why my RSS feed isn’t being pulled into My Hugo site has its feed at, and it looks like there’s a feed there, but it doesn’t seem to be working as an MB source. I don’t see posts on MB timeline or cross-posted. @manton @help

Don’t let the crazies make you crazy!…

kak·is·toc·ra·cy n, pl kak·is·toc·ra·cies : government by the worst people
Etymology: Greek kakistos (superlative of kakos, “bad”) + English -cracy

*You can add the following caveats to everything I write online:

Hoo boy, anyone else out there sad, angry, tired, and lonely? 🙋‍♂️

I’m putting together a “Caveats” page where I can list the points I’d like people to keep in mind when they read what I write. Anything you would add or change here?

Is Disqus just…gone? Looks like I might need a new way to do comments on my Hugo website at Any recommended solutions?

What reference works are you most glad to own? I love my MW Collegiate Dictionary, The Ashley Book of Knots, “Super Thinking” (for mental models), Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, MW Visual Dictionary, “Back to Basics”, Encyclopedia of Country Living, and Garner’s Modern English Usage.

All these pieces about why Harris lost leave me asking: Did the Democrats actually do these things (ruin the economy, use ‘Latinx’ too much, ruin girls’ sports, flood the country with ‘illegals’), or did the Right just successfully portray it as such? Do people even care about the difference?

Anyone else out there have difficulties tying their Hugo site’s RSS feed to MicroBlog? I’m not sure why isn’t being picked up and put into my timeline. @help

OK, I (hopefully) fixed my DNS settings and hopefully this post will show up on the Micro Blog timeline!

Will this post show up on the Micro Blog timeline? Testing a post from the Gluon app.

I’m not sure if my Micro Blog posts from the iOS app are making it to the Timeline. If you see this post in the MB timeline, can you let me know? Thanks!

What institutions are you supporting now?

God cares more about the marginalized than making America great again. God cares more about migrants than the middle class. God opposes the proud, not the poor. God hates greed, not gays. God loves trans kids more than tax cuts. God loves the unborn, the unhoused, and the undocumented!

Experiencing way more post-election angst and anger than I thought I would. I didn’t think Harris-Walz would fix everything, but I’m pissed that so many Americans and so many so-called “evangelical Christians” voted for such a scumbag. Makes me want to give up on the country and the church.

I’m contemplating deleting (again) my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Threads accounts. Any thoughts either way on why I should or shouldn’t do so? (Would still keep my Micro Blog, Mastodon, and BlueSky.)

Still waiting for “Stop the Steal” invites to Insurrection 2.0 from the Harris-Walz campaign. Wait, what’s that? Harris conceded, like a normal person and a good leader? Hmm, it sure is hard to “both-sides” away the Trumpist GOP’s insanity.

We can’t say we weren’t warned. May God have mercy on the USA and the world.

Well, at least, whoever wins/loses, we’ll have a peaceful transfer of power and the will of the people will be respected! Wait, no, nevermind. One side has already lost before, refused to accept that, attempted to overthrow the election, and has been saying for years that they won’t concede defeat! And we still let the lunatic run again! If we end up losing our democracy in the USA, I think we deserve it. May God have mercy on this country. 🇺🇸