On the off-chance there’s a fabulously wealthy person out there looking to get a random person a birthday present…😉🎁 My birthday is coming up and here’s my wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/BW0P3RTT6XVG?ref_=wl_share

I’m allergic to most CCM music these days, but I’m putting together a playlist of some of my favorite songs we’ve sung at various churches. What would be on such a playlist for you? open.spotify.com/playlist/…

What radicalized me? Ecclesiastes, the Minor Prophets, and the Sermon on the Mount. What radicalized you?

Learned a new word today. Without looking it up, do you know what “limerence” means? I didn’t.

“I know that talent doesn’t feel like you’re amazing. It feels like the difficulties that trouble others are mysteriously absent in your case. Don’t ask yourself where your true gifts lie. Ask what other people seem weirdly bad at.” sashachapin.substack.com/p/50-thin…

About to send my first piece of of micro dot mail! ✉️

The NYT Connectios editor chose violence today. 😠

Cut down my first tree today! 🪵🪓

Wow, this is a fantastic blogpost, with no fluff, on how to have better conversations. Which pieces of advice here stood out to you? anniemueller.com/better-co…

How can I best help you now?

Any suggestions on how I should make my steele.omg.lol page better?

What are the top resources you wish more conservative Christians would read on the topic of immigration?

Make September Chilly Again™️

“I, too, had the ‘concept of a plan’–for my Ph.D. dissertation on how Barth and Bonhoeffer used the Bible to critique religion. And, well, I’m a software engineer now. But I do have an M.Div. and an M.A.! So, anyways…”

It’s worth noting the “middle ground” fallacy: “You claimed that a compromise, or middle point, between two extremes must be the truth.” yourlogicalfallacyis.com/middle-gr…

I haven’t self-identified as an “evangelical” Christian since the 2016 USA election. However, I agree with what this “Confession of Evangelical Conviction” has to say. It’s worth a read: www.evangelicalconfession2024.com

New book day! The Widening of God’s Mercy by Christopher and Richard Hays. The Moral Teachings of Jesus by David Gushee.

After a few years of working on my mental health, I’m proud to announce that, at any given moment, I’m about 3-5 overlapping noises away from wanting to crawl into a deep, dark, quiet cave!

What’s one thing you wish more people knew about the Bible?

“O God, you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth, and sent your blessed Son to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who are near: Grant that people everywhere may seek after you and find you; bring the nations into your fold; pour out your Spirit upon all flesh; and hasten the coming of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”